
Dr. 布莱恩年代. 梅里特在中交所留下了自己的印记

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点击放大. 布莱恩年代. 梅里特, 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Vice President of Student Learning and Chief Academic Officer, is moving on to serve as the sixth President of McDowell Technical 社区 大学. 他的任命将于明年1月1日生效. 1, 2021.


Dr. 布莱恩年代. 梅里特, 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院 Vice President of Student Learning and Chief ... (更多)

12.17.2020管理员、教师 & 工作人员大学 & 社区大学一般

桑福德——博士. 布莱恩年代. 梅里特 has served in various positions at 中央卡罗莱纳社区学院. He's been Distance Education Counselor; Director of Grants, Sponsored 项目, & Alumni Relations; Dean of Student Learning, and most recently as Vice President of Student Learning and Chief Academic Officer.

说他在中交留下了自己的印记是轻描淡写的. "Dr. Brian 梅里特多年来一直是推荐正规买球平台的摇滚明星之一. 他能跳出思维定势, 认可优秀人才, establish strong networks and relationships and get things done is unparalleled,中国中交会会长杨志强博士说. 莉莎米. 查普曼.

Dr. 梅里特 is moving on to serve as the sixth President of McDowell Technical 社区 大学. 他的任命将于明年1月1日生效. 1, 2021.

“我知道推荐正规买球平台受托人与我一起祝贺Dr. 梅里特 on his being named the new president of McDowell Technical 社区 大学," said Mr. H. 小朱利安·菲尔波特., 推荐正规买球平台校董会主席. "Dr. 梅里特在中央卡罗莱纳社区学院表现出色. His work as Vice President of Student Learning and as the Chief Academic Officer for the 大学 has helped the academic programs offered at 推荐正规买球平台 achieve unparalleled success and has resulted in excellent educational opportunities for 推荐正规买球平台's students. 我们将怀念他在中交所的领导, but we wish him the best of luck in his new position at McDowell Technical 社区 大学."

Dr. 梅里特 notes that 推荐正规买球平台 has taught him the true value of what it means to be student-centered. "Over the years, as leadership has transitioned, there has always been a common thread. We are here to serve our students and to serve our communities well,”医生说。. 梅里特.

“中交的同事就像我的家人. 我们一起玩,一起笑,有时一起哭. 但, ultimately, we all have a genuine passion for serving students and our communities. 我说过我们很开心吗?”医生说。. 梅里特.

Dr. 梅里特指出,他在中交有两个开始. “我最初是在2007年作为招生顾问加入的. I was raised in Chatham County, and most of my family still lives there today. 有机会为我的家服务对我个人来说意义重大. 我离开学院寻找另一个机会,并于2011年返回. 梅里特. "推荐正规买球平台 took a chance on hiring me back in 2011 as the grants and alumni director with limited experience. 但, 我可以看出,政府有做到最好的愿景, 我是一个年轻的专业人士,渴望取得成果."

Dr. 梅里特为中交所取得的成就感到自豪.

推荐正规买球平台是全国社区学院的领导者. We have built great teams that find new, innovative ways to meet students where they are. 自2012年以来,推荐正规买球平台的毕业率提高了19%. 梅里特.

"Since 2012, retention has increased by an average of 9% for full-time students. 非全日制学生的保留率增加了18%. Those increases represent thousands of students meeting their goals and finding success in their chosen pathways and beyond,”博士补充道。. 梅里特.

"In the community college world, we are usually doing a lot more with less. 国家资金有限,我们必须想办法填补缺口. 在过去的八年里, our grants team has partnered with faculty and staff to raise and manage over $34 million all to advance our work to provide more intentional student support, 创新教学, 劳动力发展机会. 我相信这个团队会继续这项伟大的工作."

Dr. 查普曼谈到博士时说. 梅里特's work: "Many of the opportunities and much of the recognition that 推荐正规买球平台 currently enjoys are due to our strong commitment to and successful, innovative work in supporting student completion as well as student access. Dr. 梅里特领导并参与了所有这些工作. His efforts and expertise have allowed 推荐正规买球平台 to become consistently successful in securing external funding. 他的领导支持将TRIO项目引入推荐正规买球平台. 由布莱恩掌舵, the 大学 led the 10-college First In the World Grant efforts to evaluate the impact of success coaching -- work that will have lasting impact on many students across the nation."

Dr. 梅里特 is excited about the opportunity of serving as a college president. “我在推荐正规买球平台的经历为我成为一名大学校长做好了充分的准备. I was mentored by great leaders and learned from the best of the best,”医生说。. 梅里特. “在大流行期间开始担任总统将是一项挑战. 然而,我将永远牢记这一挑战. (T.E.) 马尔尚 gave me when I became a vice president: Always put students at the center."

"McDowell Tech has made an outstanding selection and while 推荐正规买球平台 will greatly miss Dr. 梅里特, we are happy for him and for our colleagues at McDowell,”医生说。. 查普曼.

"Dr. 梅里特为推荐正规买球平台做了出色的工作. 马尔尚. “他清楚地展示了创新和领导能力. 他会为麦克道尔科技做得很好."

Dr. 梅里特 speaks highly of 推荐正规买球平台's future: "推荐正规买球平台's new Vision is to provide exceptional learning for all. 在大流行期间, 考虑到我们现在的经济状况, it is more important than ever for community colleges to be nimble and to find new, innovative ways to provide learning opportunities that are relevant to the workforce. I am confident the teams we have in place will continue to be on the cutting edge,”医生说。. 梅里特.

而博士. 梅里特 will miss 推荐正规买球平台, he looks forward to his newest challenge at McDowell Tech.

“麦克道尔科技享有盛誉. It is a solid institution with strong partnerships in its community,”医生说。. 梅里特. “我的妻子杰西和我都是阿巴拉契亚州立大学的校友. We are thrilled about the opportunity to live in and raise our small family in a town like Marion. 社区对我们很重要, 这也是吸引我们来到MTCC的主要原因."

Dr. 梅里特 earned a Doctor of Philosophy in Higher Education Administration from Walden University, a Master of 艺术 in Higher Education Administration from Appalachian State University, and a Bachelor of Science in Secondary 社会 Sciences Education from Appalachian State University.

In 2020, 梅里特 was chosen as one of 40 leaders nationally for the 2020-21 class of the Aspen Rising Presidents Fellowship, a highly selected leadership program preparing the next generation of community college presidents to transform institutions to achieve higher and more equitable levels of student success.

“我的热情是帮助改变学生的生活. 我拥有最好的团队, 在担任首席学术官六年半之后, 我知道推荐正规买球平台的师资队伍确实发挥了作用. 我们互相扶持, 让彼此变得更好, 我们的重点一直放在学生身上,”医生说。. 梅里特. “我很感激奥巴马博士. 查普曼在这一过渡过程中的支持,以及对他的支持. 感谢你多年前给了我一个机会. I am grateful to serve the North Carolina 社区 大学 System in this new role and to help advance the primary principle of its founder, Dr. Dallas Herring, of 'taking people where they are and carrying them as far as they can go.'"